Marscapone Spaghetti with Bacon, Chilli, and Basil.
Friends coming to dinner and you're dead broke? Well, this is my $10 Dollar Dazzler meal. Well, $16 dollars actually, but still really cheap... and impressive. The trick is to cook equal parts of he yummy basil, chilli and bacon bits... and a LOT of it. Otherwise, it's pretty much just cheese and pasta. Also, having everything cut symmetrically into similar sized strips for some reason makes this dish more satisfying.
1 Packet of Spaghetti
1 Bunch of Basil cut into horizontal strips
3 Long Red Chillies seeded cut into horizontal strips
1 Tub of Marscapone
Grated Pecorini Cheese
6 Medium Cut lengths of Bacon cut into thin strips
Rock salt
Olive Oil
Whilst heating water in a pot for the pasta, start cooking the bacon in a fry pan with some oil. When the bacon has crisped up, lower the heat and throw in the chillies. Cook for a minute, and then put that aside on some absorbent paper towels. Add some salt to the water and throw in the pasta. Keep the lid 90% on to make sure the water is at a strong boil.
Once the pasta is cooked, drain the water then throw back in the pot. Add in the tub of marscapone cheese and stir around over a low heat. The cheese should start to melt. Now throw in the basil, chilli and bacon mix and season with a lot of salt and pepper. You will have to add quite an obscene amount of salt to get it tasting good since the cheese is very mild and mainly textural. Stir until the cheese is all melted, and you have seasoned to taste. Now serve with some additional fresh basil, chuck on some pecorini cheese, and some freshly cracked pepper. Not good for the waste line, but cheap, yummy and quick!
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